Line Edit

Line Edit

The line edit will focus on your manuscript’s ability to provide readers with a great reading experience. In addition to checking for clarity, I’ll look at the paragraph development and flow to ensure that the story connects from one paragraph to the next.   I’ll tighten the writing to make it flow smoothly, fix confusing paragraphs and sentences, and remove needless word padding.

Things I will look for include:

  • Run-on sentences
  • Sentence fragments 
  • Word meaning clarification
  • Jargon
  • Sentences to tighten 
  • Awkward dialogue  
  • Paragraph and sentence structure 
  • Style
  • Emotion, tone, and pacing
  • Consistency (character names, etc.) 
  • Tense issues (past / present / future)
  • Continuity and plot flaws 
  • Suggestions for improving writing quality
What you’ll get:
  • A brief editorial letter
  • A written summary detailing the reason behind my edits and advice
  • Two versions of your manuscript page edits (Track Changes and clean) 
  • A style sheet outlining the specific details of your manuscript including character names, locations, terms, grammar rules and exceptions, etc. 
  • Email follow-up for questions
Rate: $0.03 – $0.04 per word