Editing FAQ

Edit FAQs

My rates are based on industry standards (Editorial Freelancing Association). By setting the base price as a per word rate, it is easier for an author to determine if my services will fit their budget without questioning how I arrived at that number. If you prefer an hourly or project rate, that can be arranged after a sample edit.
A sample edit is done using a small section of the project, typically taken from the middle of the manuscript. I will edit approximately 500 words (2 pages) based on the type of editing you request. I perform the edits using Track Changes in Word, which allows you to see the suggestions clearly. Once I send it back to you, we can have a discussion about price, timeline, and next steps. The sample edit is no charge!
Maybe. I know what it's like to need an editor and not have a lot of budget for it. Just ask and perhaps we can come to an agreement suitable for both of us.
Editing is a subjective process, oftentimes more art than science. In the end, you're the author, so it's within your right to not take my suggestions into consideration during the final draft of your manuscript. Note: Rejecting or disliking my suggestions is not a basis for refusing to pay the agreed-upon fees.
Most editors, myself included, will use Microsoft Word and its Track Changes feature. This allows me to edit the document in a way that makes the changes and suggestions easily visible to you. It also makes it easier for you to accept or reject those changes. If you do not have Microsoft Word, there is typically an open source version or Google Docs where you will be able to do the same thing.
That's fine. As long as what you're writing is in English. It may take a little longer to finish the edits, but I'm willing to do it.
I am readily available for discussion of your project via e-mail or various chat applications. We could also do telephone or video discussions, but those must be scheduled at least 72 hours in advance.
I can keep a secret! Details of your project including title, release date, story, and manuscript will be kept under strict confidence until publication. Editing markup will always remain private.
I follow the Chicago Manual of Style editing. My go-to dictionary is the Merriam-Webster Online. I do have additional dictionaries as resources, and will research online if the manuscript mentions something obscure.
Payment will be via PayPal invoice (subject to change). Full payment is due up front for manuscript critiques. For full manuscript editing services, half of the payment is due up front, and half is due when I return the manuscript to you (unless you and I have made alternative payment arrangements).
Turnaround times are based on my schedule openings and the length and complexity of your manuscript. Please get in touch so we can discuss your work and select a due date based upon my availability and your publication goals.
I use a simple and straightforward letter of agreement that clearly spells out the rights and responsibilities we both have for your project, including confidentiality of your material.